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This book “Walking Down Memory Lane” is my life story. It contains many items about my life from birth to past my retirement age. You will find many funny things and many other things that has brought me great joy.

My family, my beautiful wife and five children has made my life worth living. Our life continues to be blessed with grandchildren and great grand children.

We were a moving family and I share much about this. I tell about one of our moves where I looked out the window and watched while we were driving out of the yard with my toys left behind because there was no room for them on the moving truck.

This book is in paperback format “Printed Form” for you that love to turn the pages. It can be found at:

If you prefer to read on your phone, tablet or computer, you will find the book in eBook form in all format’s at

 Feel free to read a sample of the book “OR”  buy the complete book.

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