Books and More – Share Your Thoughts


The Greatest collection of history, past, present and future and the most complete assembled book of information of answers to all problems we face can be found in the Holy Bible.

Create time to read some of it each day for nuggets of “WISDOM”.

Read and reread, you will always find something new every time you read it. If you have question’s, Contact us, we may be able to help you find your answers.


I was looking at the beautiful picture of these trees and began to realize why the earth is covered with trees.

There are many reasons that trees are grown and some of these reasons are: they produce leaves and seed to reproduce there kind. The leaves produce shade in the hot summer days and the seed that fall help to feed the animals and also some of the seeds take roots and small trees begin to form to replace the older trees that are cut down to furnish wood for fires to keep us warm, they are used to build houses, make furniture and all the other things that are made from wood.

But, the main purpose is that the leaves absorb carbon dioxide and converts it in oxygen. That is the reason we must keep a balance of trees to keep the oxygen level at a safe point to keep out bodies healthy. When we cut trees, we must plant more in there place to keep the balance.

Just think of the world of information that is collected and stored in books and papers that cover many shelves in our libraries, in stores and in our homes.

Please don’t let the paper be wasted but take time to read the information collected and printed to preserve current and past events that we call history. Never let this information be destroyed. We need to learn from history, the good and the bad. We can learn what we should do and the things we need to avoid.

History serves to teach us through vision the things that brought us much pain and regret and also the things that brought us much happiness and things that we need to continue repeating. We can learn from others the things that work and the things that does not work so our time can be used to make a better life for us rather than wasting our time for things that only bring us pain and disappointment.

Have you noticed how many mud slides we have when the trees are gone and there are no roots to secure the ground. Tree roots and rocks hold the ground in place to keep it from moving.

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2 thoughts on “Books and More – Share Your Thoughts

  1. Thanks for the information in this article. I love to read about nature. Please keep this type of information coming.

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